Hello family and friends, it looks like things are looking up for Dave. He started feeling better yesterday and was able to go on a short walk with my mom and finally eat a little. The medication they gave him for nausea has been working so no more "up chuck". His numbers are dropping just like they should and he will start nupragen shots tomorrow. Neupogen is a growth factor that is used to bring Dave's stem cells back up to fighting levels (after chemo wiped out his immune system) and helps to stimulate an accelerated production of white blood cells (which Dave needs to fight off infections). We are day 5 post transplant and Dave still hasn't been hospitalized! We are close to zeroing out his system so if we get through the next few days without any complications, we should be over the hump. Fever and infection- stay away!
I read and follow many blogs on multiple myeloma patients and Dave really is doing remarkable well considering everything his body has gone through.
I also want you all to know today is Mom and Dave's Anniversary. It was 26 years today that they married. Wow! I was 15 years old and I'm sure many of you remember what a great day it was. Well, actually, now that I think of it, many of you probably don't "remember" much about that day- if you know what I mean! (wink)!
Not many couples make it 26 years these days and I have a lot of respect for my parent's commitment to each other and our family. Those of us who have failed at marriage know what a challenge it is and how selfless you have to be at times to make things work. I've seen this time and time again between my mom and Dave. I see it now, as my mom so lovingly and painsakingly has cared for Dave. I see it in Dave as he took on four children and raised them as his own.
I found this poem I wanted to share. I did not write it, but I thought it was a wonderful example of what God wanted out of marriage. I think mom and Dave are a beautiful example of this and I hope that all of us who have struggled in marriage and commitment can recognize why God created this amazing partnership.
God created marriage,
for he knew we'd need a friend.
To share our hopes and dreams with,
and love us 'till the end.
God created marriage,
to teach us how to share.
All our earthly assets,
and make us more aware;
That someone else's feelings,
are more important than our own.
And not one of us is perfect,
so we can't cast a stone.
God created marriage,
to teach us to forgive.
His life was our example,
He showed us how to give.
God created marriage,
to teach us how to say.
"I love you" to another person,
each and every day.
Please say a special prayer for mom and Dave today as they celebrate their anniversary. I pray that God strengthens their commitment to each other. I pray that their eyes are wide open to the gifts they have given each other over the years and that an abundance of appreciation, forgiveness, and peace will cover them.
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