Monday, June 6, 2011

Dave Update-June 6, 2011

Hola friends and family, we are day 3 post transplant and Dave is still experiencing loss of appetite and nausea.  The good news is, no mouth sores as of yet.  Mouth sores are really common for transplant patients and extremly bothersome as well.  Dave's white blood cells still haven't bottomed out, but typically it takes about 7 days post transplant so hopefully by the end of the week we will be heading on the upswing.  Dave has been sleeping a lot due to the benadryl they are giving him along with the anti-nausea medication.  As far as Mom and I are concerned, let him sleep through this and wake up all better!  Dave is still doing good enough that he has not had to be hospitalized so this is a great sign.  I feel so much anxiety being so far away as I'm sure a lot of you do, but I have zero doubt that Dave will come out of this as Charlie Sheen would say, "Winning!" 

God is good.

Much Love,

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea Dave was battling this! When I saw him a few months ago, he was as bubbly, energetic, and caring as he always has been to me. I have so much confidence in his ability to fight this! Thank you Mary Jane for letting me know about this blog. Thank you for starting this blog to let those of us who care about him follow his progress. I, for one, most definitely appreciate it. My heart and prayers go out to the entire family.

    Take care,

    Beth Piper
