I heard from Dave this morning. He says that he met with the doctor who stated that his blood work is improving in most areas. He continues his chemotherapy and has one more treatment of Plasmapheresis (see definition below). This is Dave's last treatment in a series of five. While his blood counts are improving, his potasium level is still low which they are treating. Low potasium in not unusual for Dave's condition. Dave has a very special visitor all the way from Washington this morning, my brother Ben. Ben, although not biological can not be better defined other than Dave's "son". I wish I could be there for their reunion. I can guarantee you it will be a beautiful sight.
I'm trying to get more information and a better grasp on what is going on so I can inform you better. I told Dave this morning I might have to make his Doctor my next husband (sorry honey) just to have time with him to pick his brain.
Lesson Learned: Life is precious. Love the one you are with. Quit looking for the greener grass on the other side. And God is good.
If too many M-proteins build up in the blood, causing the blood to become too thick, the patient's blood may need to be filtered through a special machine in a process called plasmapheresis. The patient's blood is transfused, and blood plasma is removed, discarded, and replaced with donated blood proteins. The procedure relieves symptoms but does not kill the cancer cells.
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