Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Diagnosis- September, 2010

1st Post-October 3, 2010
Welcome to the newly formed "Kiss it Cancer" club.  It was my attempt at stating in a less crass manner that Multiple Myeloma can Kiss my ***.  When we heard Dave was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, our first thought was what the heck is this, how bad is it, and how can we fight it.  I'm sure by now many of you have done some reseach on this cancer to understand it better.  I've started this club for family and friends of Dave to share information, reseach, prayers, and updates on his condition.

First and foremost, my Mom and I would like to thank all of you for your loving concern.  I'm not surprised to see how many people are shocked, frightened, and concerned about Dave's condition.  I told him that I would have to call in advance to make an appointment to visit him since he has had so many visitors. 
Dave went in over two weeks ago to get blood work done after suffering nose bleeds that wouldn't stop.  It was with those results that the doctors found an "abnormalty" in his blood work and asked him to come in for more testing, eventually including bone marrow testing.  Based on many tests to confirm disease and "stage" it, Dave was told he had Stage IIIb Multiple Myeloma.  There are three stages in this disease, Stage III obviously being far into the disease.  Dave immediately started Chemo on September 27 and being the Super Hero that he is went to work the next day.  When he came home at the end of the day, he was achy and feverish and my Mom, after consulting with the doctor, took him to the hospital.  Dave has been there ever since.  Infection and the affects of the disease itself is the cause for this stay. 

1 comment:

  1. Dave;
    So glad you are home and enjoying your beautiful backyard. We'll be down to see you in a few weeks but know you are overwhelmed with company now.
    Love you, Your cuz Pom Pom
