Monday, January 17, 2011

Dave Update-January 17, 2011

Hi family and friends, I hope everyone is having a great start to a new year.  With a new year, there is a renewed hope and a feeling of a fresh start.  For Dave, his new year starts off with tests, tests, and more test.  Dave got the results back from his body scan and there was no real changes in his lesions.  I give praise to God that there were no additional lesions and his current lesions are about the same.  Eventually, I'm hoping that the lesions will shrink.  This is our goal.  Last Thursday, Dave had his bone marrow tested (See definition of bone marrow biopsy below) and we hope to get the results back soon.  His blood count continues to be normal.  Of course this is Dave's normal, meaning normal and not unusual for a patient of MM.  I pray daily that the bone marrow results show that we a "kicking" butt on those annoying myeloma cells. 

Bone marrow biopsy is performed to assess the percentage of myeloma cells in the bone marrow and to determine how much they differ from normal plasma cells. Special testing is done on the bone marrow biopsy sample to assess prognosis based on chromosomal abnormalities. 

Dave has been experiencing some body pain due to peripheral neuropathy which we believe is a side affect to one of medications Dave is on called Velcade Dex.  Neropathy is the tingling and pain from nerve damaged caused by the side of affect of the drug.  Dave has been experiencing this in his knees and legs.  The doctors have given him some pain pills to help.  Being the super hero that he is, he continues to work and even drove to LA for a work-related training the day of his bone marrow biopsy.  Okay, Dave, we know, we know....You are the man!!!

Please keep the prayers coming.   Can you read the prayer at the bottom of this blog.  This is my specific prayer for Dave and I would love it if you could join in with me....

1 comment:

  1. Doc,

    There is a story that challenge and fear are close friends. Challenge climbs mountains while fear explores caves. Their relationship is a mystery to those around them because it seems they have little in common.

    The great secret is that they remind each other of themselves when they were young.

    Challenge wears many faces and just as many hats, from a court date to a job interview to a serious illness that eludes cure. It is natural to be afraid of a call to the unknown. It is probably even healthy. When challenge comes to visit it is easy to pretend no one is home, but to hide from challenge is to deny the opportunities it brings along. The way we think can influence the world we make.

    Challenge is a dragon with a gift in its mouth. Tame the dragon and the gift is yours. Notice I did not say "kill" the dragon. To kill the dragon implies stumbling through our challenges using any available force.

    Doc you will tame this dragon and claim the gift it holds.

    Your friend,
