Monday, June 4, 2012

Happy Anniversary!- 1 year post-SCT

June 4, 2012-Dave Update

Dear family and friends, it was one year Saturday that Dave received his stem cell transplant (SCT).  To many multiple myeloma patients, this anniversary is a celebration of receiving their brand new immune system.  To those who had successful SCTs, like Dave, the annivesary is also a celebration of life, remission, and hope.  So much has happened in the past year, since we received the new and improved "Super Dave".  As of today, Dave continues to be in remission.  He has been in remission even prior to the SCT and he is currently not doing any maintenance therapy.  He does get Zometa treatment to strengthen his bones and takes other dailey medications, but no chemo.  Average remission can last up to three years.  The good news is there are so many options if relapse occurs, such as another stem cell transplant, use of the medications that Dave responded so well to initially, and many other approved drugs and drugs that are showing to be very successful in trial studies.  Dave is working, golfing, and even taking yoga classes at the gym.  I'm trying to picture him in downward dog or crouching tiger, hidden dragon pose.  Okay, the last one I believe was a book, movie, or sushi, not sure.  Yoga is actually great for Dave because it can strengthen his bones which is important when you have multiple myeloma. 

I can't speak for Dave on what he has gone through, spiritually or otherwise.  I can only share with you what I observe.  Dave is embracing life!  I know it might sound morbid, but he does talk of a "bucket" list, and I do think it is much more sophisticated than just going to hit a "bucket of balls" at the Valley Oak Golf Course.  He has always loved to travel and he is an adventurous traveler. He has a lot of destinations he would like to visit or revisit.  One is the orient.  My mom, Dave, Randy and Sharon (Dave's cousin and wife), and possibly Cliff and Wanna (Dave's aunt and uncle) have planned a two week cruise of the orient that will take place in early 2013.  I find it facinating that he chose the orient, but not surprised.  I kind of laugh at what he might have in store for my mom.  My mom and I tend to be trepidatious when it comes to the adventures of Dave Callahan.  Hey, that could be a cool reality tv show, The New Adventures of Super Dave Callahan.  Watch Super Dave and his side-kick, The Immuninator (get it?  his new immune system...ehh), as they attempt to outlast, outwit, and outplay multiple myeloma to win the ultimate title of "survivor".  Sorry about husband always tells me I watch too much reality t.v.  But, hey, cancer is our "reality".  Humor me.

I can also tell you with certainty that "family" in on Dave's bucket list.  Dave has always been family-oriented, but he is more determined to enjoy his wife, children, parents, grandchildren, siblings, etc.  We have had some great family fun in the past year.  Many fun celebrations, including a visit from my baby brother Ben and his family.  Dave even braved the "most magical place on earth" by taking the family to Disneyland.  Okay, personally, I'd rather have my eyeball poked out than go to Disneyland, but for mom, Dave, Ben, and Jessica, they got to see Disneyland once more through the eyes of a child.  I wonder if Disneyland was on Dave's bucket list?  Possibly...I mean nothing entices me more than being at an amusement park with thousands of screaming kids and the hope of going on "It's a Small World" just ONE more time!

Lft:  Conner, Dave, Porter at Disneyland

                                Clockwise:  Mom, Ben, Jessica, Porter, and Conner enjoying Disney.

                                                  Dave and Porter (peace, back to you two, man!)

                                          The Lackey Boys: Lft:  Conner, Ben, and Porter

                                               The Callahan Boys: Lft: Steve, Glick, and Dave

                                    Is grandma laughing or crying?  You just never know!

                  Spoiled Cat Alert:  Geesh, Sidney must be really spent after a day of being pampered and doing absolutely nothing as Casa De Callahan!

Thank you Lord for this year of healing. You have answered so many of my prayers.  You have been faithful to me, even when I doubted in you.  Thank you for the gift of time and the capacity of our hearts to overflow with love. Thank you for revealing yourself to my parents. I would also like to say a special prayer for one of Dave's friends, Sean, who was recently diagnosed with cancer himself.  Sean, as cancer travelers a year and a half in, we are here for you if you just need to vent or have positive thoughts coming your way. 

Much love and thanks to our wonderful, supportive, and loving family and friends.  You are the wind beneath our wings....Tee, hee, that is so corny, but I'm totally into quoting movies today.